
Showing posts with the label vocabulary profiling -CTE319 Data-driven Learning


I know that when the issue is making a specific text readable means that it should be well-organized and well-written (correct grammar structure, not using very high and complex English words).  For example, when I was taking the course called Advance Reading and Writing, I was taught how to write a good essay by applying certain methods of doing this.  In addition to, when we are writing an essay, we were supposed to write the title so that it gives a reference to readers what this text about; moreover, we were supposed to write according to the organizations of the paragraphs, we weren't supposed to start writing without making an outline the steps and organize the paragraphs within.  We were supposed to make transitions between paragraphs so that it will lead the reader to know what will be in the next paragraphs.  All I have mentioned above were the prerequisites for the good readable text.  All I know to check the spelling mistakes from the application in the computer that is