I know that when the issue is making a specific text readable means that it should be well-organized and well-written (correct grammar structure, not using very high and complex English words).  For example, when I was taking the course called Advance Reading and Writing, I was taught how to write a good essay by applying certain methods of doing this.  In addition to, when we are writing an essay, we were supposed to write the title so that it gives a reference to readers what this text about; moreover, we were supposed to write according to the organizations of the paragraphs, we weren't supposed to start writing without making an outline the steps and organize the paragraphs within.  We were supposed to make transitions between paragraphs so that it will lead the reader to know what will be in the next paragraphs.  All I have mentioned above were the prerequisites for the good readable text.  All I know to check the spelling mistakes from the application in the computer that is used in the MS Word Document but I am curious about is there any different source that will enhance the readability of the text that I am supposed to write.

when I compared the two text it was as I thought before when I had a quick look at the two text.  I put myself into readers especially pre-intermediate students and thought how can I read this text, will it help me to follow it easily or do I have problems while reading and understanding it.  When I tried to answer all these questions I saw that the TEXT B would be more helpful as I was be able to find the answer that I was looking for in i this text.

When it comes to how I will take advantage of concordance I can now give you a clear answer based on my understanding.  For example, let's suppose that I am going to teach my class the use of "decline" in a lexico-grammatical way; that is, the word will be taught within a context as there can be more than more meaning and function of a word in a context.  let's look at these samples: 

     1.  The gradual DECLINE of slave trading, prompted by a lack of demand for sated 
– million slaves to the New World.
     2. Ghana DECLINED in the the century, but was succeeded by the Mali Emver,
 the number of armed_0 conflicts in Africa has steadily DECLINED
When I teach the use of decline to my students there should be clear explanation of how they will use
and in what circumstances they will use the word so I need examples to justify what I am teaching. 
Let's suppose that I have given the text to students and the word DECLINE was the problematic one as it has 
multiple functions it gets difficult for them to predict what is the meaning and what it means within the context. 
So when I teach this word I can easily show how the use of this word changes context to context.  For example,
I can teach that in the first example the word "decline" is used as a noun because of the use of adjective.  I can 
go into detail and  give more explanation to them and tell that when there is an adjective there should be a 
noun afterwards. When I jump to the next sample, I would prefer to compare it with the first example so as to
 make it clear.  How I will do this?  First, I will give the part of the speech of the word "decline" and want them 
 try to figure out how differs from the first use of decline.  Afterward, I will give the rule again so that there will be a concrete 
evidence in their hands. When they go back to study and check what they learned, they will see that as decline was defined by 
an adjective it was used as a noun in the first example. As in the second example, decline was used as verb 
because a noun was used before and it is the subject and it should be followed by a verb so as to build the 

sentence structure(S+V+O) they will know that's why decline used as a verb in that situation.
In today's course I have learned how to use the readability, concordance and keyword analyzer applications.
I found that these are more helpful for me to be aware of how to use them as I can gain advantage from them 
in my profession in the future.  I think that learners love internet and learning through internet individually by 
discovering new sources to gain information, or new application to use them to improve their success.  When I learn
how to use I can also lighten them how to use such beneficial sites as assistant to  their course.  When I think about 
the designing, these applications will enable me to design homework activities or in-class activities for them.
However, there can be drawbacks of using these tools because if I always rely on them I may not to use my 
creativeness while preparing an activity for them.  Moreover, if I use these tools frequently it may turn out
monotonous in supplying the same-patterned activities for them. 


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