
International Journal of Innovative Education Research 3 (3):15-25, July-Sept. 2015                           © SEAHI PUBLICATIONS, 2015           ISSN: 2354-2942  (PDF) THE ROLE OF USING GAMES IN ELT: TEENAGERS. Available from: THE ROLE OF USING GAMES IN ELT: TEENAGERS 1Ayten Yıltanlılar & Assist. Prof. Dr. Çağda Kıvanç Çağanağa2 1European University of Lefke Cyprus ayiltanlilar 2European University of Lefke Cyprus ckivanc ABSTRACT  The scope of this study is the role of using games with teenagers in English language teaching. This study examines the advantages and the disadvantages of using games in language teaching. This study has two participants. One of the participants is male and the other one is female; therefore, it was a qualitative study. In order to gather valid information pilot lessons were applied thr

"CTE319" and "wiki' / 'KWL' and 'wiki'.

I haven't heard about Wiki up today.  I want to learn to what extend can I can use this tool in my profession. I think using personal web site with  students helps teach English.  How?  In my opinion, as we do in our course, each web site has its own vocabulary peculiar to them.  For example, I learned many words that I haven't even known its meaning like "embed, concordances, vocabulary profiling, data driven learning, locating podcast, text-to speech and etc.." I think these words and word phrases are specific to these tools that raised my awareness on what do they mean and how I can implement them in my teaching.  What we can infer from these lines above, by unconsciously I learned new vocabulary, I expended my vocabulary repertoire.  Moreover, most of these tools require from us to comment on post of other people, get interact and send the message that we want to send through these tools so in that case good communicative skills are essential.  To establish this

Web 2.0 Tool: Storybird

Web 2.0 Tool: Storybird In this blog post you will find information on which tool I used to create my Second Conditional activity , the reason why I chose the tool that I chose and the how I will put into effect this application in my future profession. First of all, I want you all to bear in your mind that there are very good tools with different functions which can meet your needs in your teaching profession especially when you want to creat e activities, exercises and test.   When it comes to what I did, I should tell that the link which is below helped me a lot to discover the varieties of tools that can be used in teaching which will provide me efficiency and effectiveness .   


IMITATION AND CREATIVITY IN THE LEARNING PROCESS Imitation and creativity are two distinct issues that can be debated and still debated by people.  In this post you will see how imitation and creativity find their existence and became a debatable issue in the learning process.  These two points are what I am also interested in.  I have been always curious about that and now I found an opportunity to get more involved in this issue and figure out what is your point of view on this controversial issue :)  I think that it will be joyful journey for me to discover more different perspectives on this issue with the help of your contributions. Learning by imitation =) It is known that imitation i s one of the important characteristics of all species in the world because every species has an instinct to imitate and learn.  For example, think of  big cats like lions, what do they do? They bring their kitten to show how they hunt a gazelle or antelope.  This shows how kitt



    I have learned how to prepare an activity such as fill in the gap activities regarding words.  Moreover, I have learned that how I will organize a text that will make students try to put into order the sentences that are mixed.  There are more applications that I liked but these two are the ones that I liked most.     When I need to prepare an activity for my class I can take advantage from this Web called Teacher's Pet I think that it will save my time, because it will take too long to prepare a text by taking considerations with its layout and organizations as well.


    Interactive web pages as long as I have learned are kind of web sites that facilitate quiz, exercises and activities that can learners access easily and learn how much they know the content related with specific activities.  These web pages gives learners clues while they are doing the activities and after the activities are done it gives the feedback to learners about their performance on the task.  The learners can reflect on their performance and learn how much they learned.     I want to learn whether the interactive web pages have writing or reading activities besides contains gap filling exercises, cross words exercises, ordering exercises?     I think that interactive web pages are more efficient because they allow me to access different type of activities that I may not find enough time to prepare for my students.  With the help of these pages they can use online resources to access and do activities and quizes which at the end will give them a kind of feedback and also w