


    I have learned how to prepare an activity such as fill in the gap activities regarding words.  Moreover, I have learned that how I will organize a text that will make students try to put into order the sentences that are mixed.  There are more applications that I liked but these two are the ones that I liked most.     When I need to prepare an activity for my class I can take advantage from this Web called Teacher's Pet I think that it will save my time, because it will take too long to prepare a text by taking considerations with its layout and organizations as well.


    Interactive web pages as long as I have learned are kind of web sites that facilitate quiz, exercises and activities that can learners access easily and learn how much they know the content related with specific activities.  These web pages gives learners clues while they are doing the activities and after the activities are done it gives the feedback to learners about their performance on the task.  The learners can reflect on their performance and learn how much they learned.     I want to learn whether the interactive web pages have writing or reading activities besides contains gap filling exercises, cross words exercises, ordering exercises?     I think that interactive web pages are more efficient because they allow me to access different type of activities that I may not find enough time to prepare for my students.  With the help of these pages they can use online resources to access and do activities and quizes which at the end will give them a kind of feedback and also w


I know that when the issue is making a specific text readable means that it should be well-organized and well-written (correct grammar structure, not using very high and complex English words).  For example, when I was taking the course called Advance Reading and Writing, I was taught how to write a good essay by applying certain methods of doing this.  In addition to, when we are writing an essay, we were supposed to write the title so that it gives a reference to readers what this text about; moreover, we were supposed to write according to the organizations of the paragraphs, we weren't supposed to start writing without making an outline the steps and organize the paragraphs within.  We were supposed to make transitions between paragraphs so that it will lead the reader to know what will be in the next paragraphs.  All I have mentioned above were the prerequisites for the good readable text.  All I know to check the spelling mistakes from the application in the computer that is
I have learned that the blog that if I create for my teaching purpose should  take involve my students, including me and the students families as members as the blog that I will create will be a dynamic application between me, my students and their families.  Why it is important to include the families is because they can comment on their children posts so that they will encourage their children that's why the parents of students are important in that case.  The other important issue that I should bare in my mind about the blog is that the blog I will create should not consist things that irritating or insult peoples and clash with opinions.  My blog should be in the basis of teaching and learning.  I can send my students assingment proper to their levels, competence and interests.  Moreover, I can demnd from them to comment on their mates' posts again I may not want them to do it as my requests will change  according to their leves, competence and interests.  All I need to do
I have learned from this activity how I can find the new wasy of analyzing an unknown words that I can face with while reading a text given.  The new ways called, concordance, multi-concordance, vocabulary profiling, key words output, useing wordle to get the most frequent words in a given text and etc.  I can multiply my strategy towards my teaching profession by using these application as they give me chance to get better inforation from them.  These activities supply pratical ideas and pratical ways for both me as both student and teacher candidate.  I think it is important to not stuck with google, but finding a new ways of beneficial sources that will enhance both teaching and learning process
Multiple-concordance application help students to discover the lexico-grammar of the word in this way: when they are thought to use the they will be able to see the colomn called teacher where concordance and multiple concordance applications there are.  when they click the multiple-concordance and type the word that they would like to learn its lexico-grammar they will see that a new page opens and shows how the word that they are looking for usedn in different sentences as in the following link: I think students should need special training as this new type of site would challnge them while they are trying to use applications in ti. I also as a student wouldn't be aware of it as long as I wasn't trainde in CTE319 coure, becaue I haven' seen or heard this type site that has all these funtions