The differences that I found in when using word cloud or vocabulary profiling were that: word cloud helped me a lot to not waste time to read long articles; instead, it made me able to learn what is it about by just looking the more frequent words that were used in that text.  Word Cloud application in a way brough me the summary of the text that I was responsible to read.  When it comes to the Vocabulary Profiling it was more complex and equipted with its use.  For example, when I paste the article in the blanket  and then clik go, I was be able to get the most frequent words through the least frequent ones, but I was also be able to find a page in Vocabulary Profiling that omits the key words from the text and put them above and it allows you to find the synonyms of it by clicking the arrow beside the blankets.  I can gain advantage of it when I prepare any vocabulary activities for my class.


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